ICAM Steering Committee (as of 2023)
The ICAM Steering Committee (ISC) is the official body of ICAM. Its membership, procedures and responsibilities are laid down in ‘Terms of Reference’.
Marco Arpagaus, MeteoSwiss, Switzerland (marco.arpagaus at meteoswiss.ch), 2017-
Steve Derbyshire, Met Office, UK (steve.derbyshire at metoffice.gov.uk), 2017-
Kristian Horvath, Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Croatia, Croatia (kristian.horvath at cirus.dhz.hr), 2022-
Mario Marcello Miglietta, Institute of Atmosphere and Climate Sciences, National Research Council, Italy (m.miglietta at isac.cnr.it), 2011-
Stephen Mobbs, National Centre for Atmospheric Science, UK (stephen.mobbs at ncas.ac.uk), 2008-
Haraldur Ólafsson, University of Iceland, Iceland (haraldol at hi.is), 2013-
Alexandre Paci, Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques, Toulouse, France (alexandre.paci at meteo.fr), 2017-
Guðrún Nína Petersen, Icelandic Meteorological Office, Iceland (gnp at vedur.is), 2013-
Georg Pistotnik, GeoSphere Austria, Austria (Georg.Pistotnik at geosphere.at), 2023-
Jürg Schmidli, Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany (schmidli at iau.uni-frankfurt.de), 2019-
Gregor Skok, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia (gregor.skok at fmf.uni-lj.si), 2015-
Michael Sprenger, Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, ETHZ, Switzerland (michael.sprenger at env.ethz.ch), 2009-
Ivana Stiperski, University of Innsbruck, Austria (Ivana Stiperski (ivana.stiperski at uibk.ac.at), 2023-
Uroš Strajnar, National Meteorological Service of Slovenia, Slovenia (uros.strajnar at rzs-hm.si), 2009-
Željko Večenaj, University of Zagreb, Croatia (zvecenaj at gfz.hr), 2017-
Günter Zängl, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany (guenther.zaengl at dwd.de), 2009-
Dino Zardi, University of Trento, Italy (dino.zardi at unitn.it), 2011-
Former Committee Members
Bianca Adler, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany (2017-2019)
Gerhardt Adrian, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany (2006-2009)
Peter Binder, MeteoSwiss, Switzerland (2001-1017)
Reinhard Böhm, Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, Austria (2007-2008)
Philippe Bougeault, Météo France, France (2003-2005)
Andrea Buzzi, National Research Council, Italy (2003-2011)
Veronique Ducrocq, Météo France, France (2005-2017)
Giuseppe Frustaci, Italian Meteorological Service, Italy (2005-2006)
Marjana Gajic-Capka, Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Croatia, Croatia (2005-2007)
Branko Gregoric, Slovenia (2003-2005)
Branko Grisogono, University of Zagreb, Croatia (2007-2017)
Thomas Haiden, Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, Austria (2009-2023)
Branka Ivancan-Picek, Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Croatia, Croatia (2003-2022)
Fritz Neuwirth, Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, Austria (2005-2007)
Joze Rakovec, University Ljubljana, Slovenia (2003-2015)
Evelyne Richard, Laboratoire d’Aéorologie, France (2004-2019)
Hans Richner, ETHZ, Switzerland (2001-2009)
Reinhold Steinacker, Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik der Universität Wien, Austria (2003-2023)
Hans Volkert, Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre, DLR, Germany (2004-2017)
Simon Vosper, Met Office, UK (2008-2017)
Werner Wehry, Institut für Meteorologie, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany (2003-2004)
Peter Winkler, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Germany (2005-2006)
Mark Žagar, Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenia (2005-2008)
Terms of Reference
The International Conference on Alpine Meteorology (ICAM) constitutes a scientific conference focussing on meteorology, climatology, and related science fields of mountainous regions, with the European Alps as a traditional focus, but not the only one. The conference also supports the transfer from scientific results to applications and involves the research and operational communities. The ICAM normally takes place in a bi-annual sequence, typically in late spring of odd years.
The sequence of ICAMs is overseen by its official body, the ICAM Steering Committee (ISC). The ISC takes care of all internal affairs of its international membership and external affairs, with special regard to related conference outside of Europe. The following articles regulate the membership, procedures and responsibilities of the ISC.
Art. 1: Membership
1. The members of the ISC represent the ICAM countries.
2. The Alpine ICAM countries are Austria, Croatia, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
3. The members shall represent (i) the National Weather Services, and (ii) the scientific community at large, i.e., from university institutes, research laboratories and National Meteorological Societies.
4. Each ICAM country is represented by two members in the ISC; typically one each from the groups mentioned under 3. New members to the ISC are confirmed by the permanent representative with WMO of the respective ICAM country.
5. New ICAM countries can join the existing group by written application to the ISC stating proposed members drawn from the groups mentioned under 3, the will to host a future ICAM, and the agreement to the ICAM Terms of Reference.
Art. 2: Procedures
1. The ISC elects its chairperson and its vice-chairperson from among its members; the terms of office shall be two years.
2. The ISC shall be convened once a year as a rule, but at least at ICAMs. Additional meetings can be called in by request of the chairperson or the majority of the ISC members. Invitations are to be distributed by the chairperson. The chairperson distributes an agenda together with the invitation. Intended changes in the number of ICAM countries have to be announced explicitly.
3. Attendance to ISC meetings is limited to ISC members and invited experts.
4. Decisions are taken by the ISC if at least two thirds of the ICAM countries are represented at the meeting. Each country has 2 votes, either by one or two representatives. A positive decision requires two thirds of the maximal possible votes.
5. If the two thirds quorum is not given at a meeting, decisions become valid nevertheless, when the chairperson collects sufficient written votes within the four weeks following the meeting.
6. In general, ISC business between the meetings is prepared by the chairperson, carried out in consultation with the vice-chairperson, and reported to the ISC at the next meeting.
Art. 3: Responsibilities
The responsibilities of the ICAM Steering Committee are:
1. To elect the responsible organizer for a future ICAM from among its members or (if the ICAM is being exceptionally placed in a non-member country) from the hosting country. At each ICAM proposals for the second next event (typically four years ahead) are to be browsed. A decision is to be taken at the next meeting (typically three years ahead). As a back-up sequence the traditional loop of the Alpine ICAM countries applies in the form IT-AT-CH-HR-FR-DE-GB-SI-IS.
2. To decide about changes in the number of ICAM countries, when applications were received at the previous ISC meeting.
3. To define and handle the relations to organizations outside ICAM.
4. To coordinate ICAM with other conferences, in particular the Mountain Meteorology Conferences of the American Meteorological Society.
5. To define the scope and profile of the ICAM.
6. To define general guidelines and standards for ICAM.